We invest Research and Development in to a package that we call Bounding tools. Over the past few years we have made many in house tools that are now available as open source (see below). These started as scripts & applications to integrate and enhance different rotoscoping software, and now it covers much more than roto: we have added paint, wire & rig removal, 2D 3D tracking, compositing and vfx pipeline management. We also developed a system that keeps all our artists updated and using the same Bounding tools needed for each job via the cloud.


Our Open source tools

Development is lead by Magno Borgo. For greeting, bugs, and requests email:
We keep Nuke python scripts at Nukepedia and Github

Attention: The scripts and tools are provided here “as is,” without warranty of any kind, expressed or implied. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages arising in any way from the use of them. If you download/use the files you agree with the terms above. Complete licensing terms can be found inside the scripts. 

WINDOWS users: You may need to install Python on your system and set up the correct environment variables, if you get error messages like: “ImportError: No module named ….”


Silhouette – Fuse Shape

This script will create shapes based on other shapes points, enabling new workflows inside Silhouette

More details/Download the scripts here
Last Update - March 10, 2014

bvfx_tools_Megapack 12-Aug-2013

This is a single file download for all the downloads found below. Each script comes within its own folder with the install instructions (.txt file or inside the script). bvfx_tools_Megapack (9805 downloads)
Last Update - August 12, 2013

bvfx_Change_Outline_Color – v2.1

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) This Action will assign a new color to your current selection. Repeat the Action until you like the color! v2.1 Changed the name of the script. Can now change colors for all types of objects (Layers only on v5) v2.0 Introduces the "cycle mode", where you can make a list with your favorite colors and cycle the shapes colors bvfx_Change_Outline_Color (7936 downloads)
Last Update - August 11, 2013

Nuke .fxs (Silhouette Shape format) exporter

This script will export Nuke shapes to a Silhouette Roto and Paint .fxs file. That allows a Mocha to Silhouette shape export using Nuke. More details/Download the script here
Last Update - August 10, 2013

bvfx_Transfer_Shapes – v1.11

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) This action will take a shape(s) and copy to a new layer on a given timeline position, even if the parent Layers have different tracking information (transform matrix) applied to them. It'll also delete all the shape keyframes of the shape, keeping just the current frame key. "Perfect shape transitions between tracked layers" v1.11 - Several bug fixes bvfx_TransferShapes (7696 downloads)
Last Update - June 5, 2013

bvfx_Selection_Sets – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) This action will save/load your currently selection, including layers, trackers, shapes and shapes points (only on v5 and up). The objective is fast save/load with keyboard shortcuts, being specially useful with v5 IK node (and complex scenes with lots of shapes). Read inside the script how to setup the shortcuts. bvfx_Selection_Sets (6962 downloads)
Last Update - April 16, 2013

bvfx OpenScriptPath – v1.0

This action will open the default Silhouette python scripts folder on your file system browser (Finder, Explorer, etc)
bvfx_OpenScriptsPath (6834 downloads)
Last Update - December 19, 2012

bvfx_OrganizeSession – v1.1

(for Silhouette v4.2.1 and up)
This action will help you quickly organize your project:
It will create a layer called "helpers" at root level It will move all shapes imported from Mocha (with default naming) and also all the trackers of the scene left in the project root level
v1.1 Will move trackers automatically to the helper layer
bvfx_OrganizeSession (7061 downloads)
Last Update - December 19, 2012

bvfx_KeyframeVisibility – v2.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) Want to keyframe shape visibility without leaving the fullscreen mode? Use this Action to do it and assign it to a keyboard shortcut. v2.0 - Added a "single frame" mode, for shapes that appear only at a single frame. It will make the opacity of the shape OFF/ON/OFF bvfx_KeyframeVisibility (7573 downloads)
Last Update - November 1, 2012

bvfx_KeyframeTools – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up)
This Action will quickly delete path animation keyframes of the selected shapes.
Three modes available: Current keyframe, All keyframes before current keyframe, All keyframes after current keyframe
bvfx_Keyframetools (7149 downloads)
Last Update - November 1, 2012

bvfx_KeyboardToggles – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up)
Adds keyboard shortcuts for the user interface:
Toggle Layer Stabilization ON/OFF
Toggle Viewer Gamma (last user input value/default value)
Toggle Viewer Gain (last user input value/default value)

bvfx_KeyboardToggles (7615 downloads)
Last Update - November 1, 2012

bvfx_RenderLayerstoFolders – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up)
This action will render all VISIBLE, ROOT layers (main layers and everything inside) in the Roto Node, each to its own directory.
bvfx_RenderLayersToFolders (6766 downloads)
Last Update - November 1, 2012

bvfx Import Nuke Corner Pin – v1.1

(for Silhouette 4.5 and up, not tested in previous versions) This script will import a Nuke Corner Pin node from Clipboard (memory) into Silhouette as 4 point trackers. Use it to quickly transfer Planar tracking data from Nuke or Mocha into Silhouette. v1.1 takes aspect ratio into consideration
bvfx_ImportNukeCornerPin (7733 downloads)
Last Update - August 12, 2012

bvfx Helper Layer: Offset Transform Matrix – v1.1

(for Silhouette 4.1 and up)
You know that corner pin tracked Layer that has a heavy distortion when viewed with Stabilize turned on? Its very difficult to view and manipulate points when the layer is like that, right? This script will help you view any tracked layers like if they were normal, undistorted on the selected frame. Choose the desired frame to "correct" and run the script, a helper layer will be created. v1.1 Now works with Silhouette 4.1 you just need to create the helper layer manually.

bvfx_OffsetmatrixHelperlayer (6999 downloads)
Last Update - July 30, 2012

bvfx_CompNoOverlay_Combo – v1.2

(for Silhouette v3 and up) Have you ever found yourself pressing 4 for viewer composite mode and them 0 to remove the overlay several times a day? This script creates a special combo mode of Composite with no Overlay, with 3 background colors options: neutral gray, white and black. v1.2 fixes conflicts with other Nodes and remaps the roto Channels view mode to another key. bvfx_CompNoOverlay_Combo v1.2 (7040 downloads) (v4.3 and up) bvfx_CompNoOverlay_Combo (7578 downloads) (v3 to v4.2)
Last Update - June 15, 2012

bvfx Nuke Stroke Exporter – v1.0

(for Silhouette 4.5, Nuke 6.3 and up)
This set of scripts will export open shapes with stroke width from Silhouette to Nuke 6.2+. This is an experimental release, all feedback is welcome to improve it. Current Know limitations: For now only fixed stroke width, no animated stroke width.
Bezier open shapes will not be exported.
Shapes with less than 4 points are not exported.

Watch the video to learn how to install and use it.
bvfx_NukeStrokeExporter (7057 downloads)
Last Update - April 15, 2012

bvfx_ActivateParentLayer – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) With this action, you can select a shape and make the parent layer active. Assign it to a keyboard shortcut and there's no need to search layers on the Object list anymore. bvfx_ActivateParentLayer (6717 downloads)
Last Update - December 7, 2011

bvfx_Hair_Tools – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) This group of Actions will enable you to increase or decrease open shapes stroke witdth with keyboard shortcuts. There's also a handy Action that sort only the open shapes from your current selection, so you can easily grab hair chunks. bvfx_Hair_Tools (7359 downloads)
Last Update - March 25, 2011

bvfx_Hide_Parent_Layer – v1.0

(for Silhouette v4.1 and up) This Action will enable you to hide the shape's parent layer with one click. Just assign it to a keyboard shortcut. Useful for 2D to 3D conversion rotoscope where you need to check overlapping layers consistency. Using the Action without any selection will reset all the project Layers visibility on, with the exception of the locked ones. bvfx_HideParentLayer (7533 downloads)
Last Update - March 24, 2011

Shuttle Xpress settings for Silhouette v4

(for Silhouette v4 and up)
If you own a Shuttle Xpress, you'll find these configurations for Silhouette v4 very handy. Shuttle_Xpress_Silhouette (6717 downloads)
Last Update - March 23, 2011

Open .nuke Folder – v1.0.3

(for Nuke) This little app will give you quick access to the hidden .nuke directory within OSX. You can then edit your local menu settings as well as add Gizmos, python scripts etc. Open-.nuke-folder (7734 downloads)
Last Update - March 23, 2011